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Okay gang!

As the title says, I need your help. Don’t worry, it’s not financial. in fact, it’s almost the opposite of financial.

I’m considering putting the site on hold in April. This will just be monetary as I’ll be positing art as much as I can and this is where I’ll need your help.

Over the past few months, I’ve been feeling a bit… stagnant in my draftsmanship. I think it has been the new Belinda comic that has brought this home and may explain why I’m falling behind. 

I feel as though my anatomy  rendering and my ability to portray different people has not been improving and I aim to fix that. With this ‘break’ I’ll be trying to work on improving my skills without the looming deadline of making sure you get the art you paid for. But, what do you need to do to help me, you might ask.

Well, it would be lovely, once April hits, if you would just shout out, either in PM or in the community space, something you’d like drawn. Something I haven’t done before but, something simple that will force me to do studies. I could certainly do this without you but, especially in these times, I don’t want to lose our interactions. 

So, shout things out. “I want a Zebra!” “You’ve never drawn a fat guy before!” or whatever. Same rules as before apply (no hyper, no vore, no scat) and please keep it relatively simple.

I appreciate your help, your patience and, as always, your patronage.

Stay safe and stay well.



I'll try to remember it! If you could post a reminder of this once its April then that would be great