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Roberto and Molly’s relationship was on the rocks but, neither of them would ever acknowledge that. It would be admitting defeat and that, for two such highly competitive people, was utterly unthinkable. 

On paper, they were perfect for each other. They were both smart, driven and extremely attractive. They shared a love of gourmet food and jazz. They both disliked dogs and kale. They should have been perfect together. 

It was the competitiveness that was doing them in. They had to constantly one-up each other, even in things that were ostensibly ‘good’. 

If Roberto spent his entire Saturday hand-making ravioli and serving it with a sauce from a 100-year-old recipe and a 40-year-old wine, as much as she enjoyed the meal, it would make Molly livid. 

So, the next weekend, she would buy a whole chicken from Chinatown, pluck it herself and make Chicken Marengo from Napoleon’s cook’s original recipe )which she called in a half-dozen favors to obtain) and tracked down the obscure herbs and spices that went into it.

This was their day-to-day relationship. 

In bed, it was almost worse. They would fight and work hard to make the other orgasm first, lest they be thought of as a selfish lover. It should have been good but, it was exhausting. What they wanted, they each decided, was for once to simply have the other do exactly what they wanted them to do.

Enter Nadya Vasylyshyn. 

Nadya was more than a mutual friend, she was the one who introduced them to each other. She was about their age and stunningly beautiful. She looked, to them, like a stereotypical dominatrix. Nearly six feet tall with generous and perfectly-proportioned curves, she projected an aura of strength. Her face seemed carved out of alabaster and her white-blonde hair was always in a complex up-do. She was no ice queen, however, and her imperious mouth was quick to smile in the company of friends. 

Roberto and Molly had approached Nadya separately and spilled their hearts to her. Nadya listened attentively, thought for a while and came up with a solution. 

Nadya was VP of Product Development for Passionis Products, a company Roberto and Molly had never hear of. This was understandable as, though they were each very well off, neither was actually wealthy and Passionis Products catered only to the very wealthy. 

What they made for these wealthy clientele were custom sex pets. Not sex dolls but, actual, living custom beings built to the specifications of specific desires and fetishes. They didn’t create them from nothing but, used human subjects. Through intensely secret methods, Passionis Products transformed ordinary humans into perfect sexpets.

A vast majority of these subjects were volunteers, though ‘indentured servants’ might be a closer analog. Mostly desperate people would sign a multi-year contract (minimum: 2 years) to be turned into what the company called a PillowPet™. They would be paid quite well, their wages held in escrow until the end of their contracts. To the volunteers, it seemed like a great gig, being paid to have sex. 

The reality was quite worse. The clients, while not allowed to harm the PillowPet™ were at liberty to do as they’d like; and what they seemed to like most was having an obedient, horny sexpet. Most people, when returned to their original forms were shaken and happy to never do it again but, generally recovered. 

However, for PillowPet™ contracts of five years or more, the psychological effects could be profound. The subjects often developed deep desires to be subjugated and humiliated; they craved it. Quite a few of these begged to be turned into a PillowPet™ forever. 

What Nadya proposed to them (individually, mind you) was for Roberta and Molly to test a new product: PillowPlay™. PillowPlay™ would be a series of temporary tattoos that would temporarily transform a human into a PillowPet™. The standard duration was 24 hours and then they’d be back to normal. But, for the duration, they’d be a PillowPet™, with the form and even some drives and desires custom to the client.

What she didn’t tell them about was the addictive nature of PillowPlay™. The pleasure of sex as a PillowPet™ was so intense that regular, human sex paled in comparison. To the board of Passionis Products, this was not actually a drawback.

So, Roberta and Molly each, individually, placed their order for a PillowPet™. Unsurprisingly, their choices were virtually identical, save for color. Nadya provided them with the tattoos and full instructions on their use. 

They both chose the same Saturday afternoon for the day. They’d both wanted to have a romantic lunch first and Roberto set the menu and texted Molly with the date and time before she could text him. She was livid but, knew she’d make up for it in the bedroom. 

After a delicious lunch of braised lamb and asparagus, Roberto suggested a trip to the bedroom and Molly agreed immediately. Molly ran to the master bathroom to undress while Roberto stripped in the bedroom closet. 

They stood before each other, their hands behind their back.

“What’ve you got there, babe?” Roberto asked

“I’ve got a really big surprise for you!” Molly grinned, “You’l love it!”

“What a coincidence,” Roberto said, a bit put off that Molly had gotten HIM a gift at a time like this, “I got you a surprise, too!”

“Oooo!” Molly gushed, “Let me give you yours first!”

“C’mon, let me give you yours.” Roberto pleaded

Molly pouted for a minute. Then a brilliant idea popped into her head. 

“How about we give each other’s surprise at the same time!”

“Good idea.” said Roberto, “On ‘three’?”

“Perfect.” Molly grinned and hoped her grin didn’t look to evil

“One” intoned Roberto

“Two” said Molly

“THREE!” They said together as they whipped their hands from behind their backs.

Molly pressed the PillowPet™ tattoo against Roberto’s chest while Robert pushed his against Molly’s forehead. 

“W-what?” Roberto stammered.

“I-I did you..?” Molly couldn’t finish.

“Um… Pillow Pet?” Roberto asked, hoping he was wrong.

“Pillow Pet” agreed Molly, dejectedly.

“What happens now?” Roberto asked

“Not sure but, OH!” Molly gasped as their changes started…




Omg that came out amazing!~ Love the outcome of the votes. ^w^