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Our Story:

“MERTI, current status, please,” Tuvalu Mogani called out as she entered the bridge of the Happy Venture .

“The aircraft is continuing on intercept vector, mistress. At current speed it will be in range in two minutes”

“Thank you, MERTI” Tuvalu said with a smile though, her smile suppressed a giggle. This was all going exactly as well as it could. 

She plopped her petite body down into the pilot’s seat and watched the display. The intentionally simplified graphics showed two important things. First was the Happy Venture flying high but, not too high, over the territory of one of the larger powers of this planet. The second was the small, one-pilot aircraft sent to intercept them and try, possibly, to shoot her out of the sky. 

This is exactly what Tuvalu wanted.

She’d planned it meticulously. She had to, it was her livelyhood. She could be called many things, slaver being the most suitable but, she referred to herself as a “provider of bespoke pleasure servants”. She just needed sentients as the raw material for said servants and since volunteers were few, she’d found other sources.

She’d found it here, on a semi-primative, non-aligned world in the quite unfashionable Western arm of the Galaxy; she might even be the only one who knew it was here. This was her fourth visit and it was going exactly to plan. Her trip over one of the other large powers earlier in the day gave her two sentients that became a matched set, this one would be a hybrid. 

She’d been experimenting with fusing the DNA of a known non-sentient with DNA from one of this planet's non-sentients and then using the resulting formulae to transform her captives. The hybrids were VERY popular with her more wealthy clients. 

In fact, the three she’ll have from this trip would net her enough to retire in luxury. But, she was having too much fun to re-

“Aircraft in range, Mistress” came MERTI’s call.

“Lovely” Tuvalu said, “Lock matter transmitter on occupant and stand by with the EMP emitter.”

“Standing by, Mistress”

She activated a small screen that showed the aircraft behind her. She waited until it moved itself in behind her, possibly in its own weapons range.

“Fire EMP”


Lt. Col. David Curry woke with a gasp. He was severely disoriented and blinked to try to make sense of his surroundings. 

A few seconds earlier, he’d been in the cockpit of his F-104 tracking the UFO through 30,000 ft. He’d just moved in behind it to bring his gun camera to bear when there was a beam of purple light from the back of the UFO.

Then, everything had shut down. Engine, electrical, everything. Even the backup compass reeled in its case. Within moments, the ‘104 began to lose airspeed. Then, it began to lose lift and no amount of control input did any help.

He began to call in a mayday when his world turned white and he woke up here. 

On a warm, padded floor in a large metal room. He brought himself shakily to his feet. He was in a glass cage in a metal room.

“Hello!” came a chipper, yet strangely accented voice behind him, “You are finally afake. Good. It iss better when you are afake.”

Lt. Col. Curry turned to see what looked like a young girl, no, he corrected himself, a midget; her proportions and movements were definitely those of an adult. The thing that really startled him was her skin and her antennae. Her skin was a pale green and her antennae came out of the top of her head and moved subtly; too subtly to be a movie effect. 

“Not so much better for you, perhaps but, for me? Much better!” She smiled at him and he immediately did not trust the smile. It was too self serving, the smile of a destructive kid with a new toy. 

“Who are you? Russian? My name is David Curry. Lt. Colonel. United States Air Force. 155444. Now let me-“

“Oh, Daffidcurry, do not worry yourself. In a few minutes you won’t haff to worry about haffing such a dangerous occupation as fighter pilot.” She smiled again and produced a small box with a tiny screen, “Your new job will be the most pleasurable one you haff effer had.”

What was this girl talking about. He shook his head and tried to make sense of everything. Was this a real alien?What was she going to do with him

“Look-“ he began but, she held up a slender finger.

“Ah, ah ah!” She said, waggling the finger at him, “Let’s get you ready for your new career!”

She press the screen on the device and Lt. Col. Curry’s universe began to become much too interesting…




God, he looks so confused in the last picture. Then again, who could blame him? Great work as always! Good choice with the colors as well, love the orange/green tone of his/her skin