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Well, this was supposed to be dirty, I just hope it's dirty enough for you...

The story:

I really like Tyler. 

We’d been friends since our freshman year at university. His degree path is chemistry while mine was literature with a minor in medieval English. Still, we hit it off. The thing is, he was automatically in the ‘friend zone’. 

You see, I’m a lesbian and while Tyler is sweet and cute for a guy, he’d never be my type. Or so I thought…

We were roommates in an apartment in an old Victorian building about ten minutes walk from campus. We each had our own room and because we’re both neat freaks, had a strict cleaning schedule for the common room and kitchen. We were so close that we didn’t have rules about privacy; if we needed to borrow something from the other, we could do it, calm in the knowledge that we wouldn’t snoop. I never thought I’d feel the urge to snoop, anyway. 

Then, as Tyler left for class (I was off due to the professor having a cold) he dropped a piece of paper by the door. I didn’t notice it right away so, I couldn’t run after him but, once I saw it, I couldn’t put it down. 

It was a copy and a translation from a very old book. An alchemical text by the looks of it. When I say old, I mean OLD! Mid 15th century unless I miss my guess. Where would Tyler get ahold of a book like that? Then, I wondered if he still had it.

I made my way to his room. As usual, it was as neat as a pin. I hadn’t been in there in weeks but, it all looked as I remembered it except for the makeshift chemistry set near the window. He’d rigged an air extractor in the window and I could see why. He had bottles of old and sketchy chemicals. Why would he have that?

And then I saw the book. It had to be the book the page came from, it was that old. I read the title 

Et Alchemistae Transmutationes Corporalium Transmutationum by Zosmisos of Abdera

Interesting, I thought as I opened it ever so carefully. It was apparently it was full of formulae for changing things into other things. Strangely, as I flipped through it, there was no mention of the Philosopher’s Stone, it was all about the transmutation of organic things; Plants, animals… people. He’d already mixed up a tincture for himself. It sat in a small, old, corked medicine bottle next to his notepad.

I picked up the notepad and saw his plan. It was both sweet and bit creepy and totally something that Tyler would do. And because he was a chemist and not a linguist, he messed it up.

He’d created the tincture to give himself the sexual power of a tiger. But, he mis-translated visio, as “virility” instead of “visage”. He thought he was going to give himself the power to attract women like a tiger but, instead, if this actually worked, he’d turn himself into a tiger. 

I looked at the list of ingredients. There was nothing to awful; he wouldn’t poison himself. He had a tiny amount of powder in a jar labeled “Tiger Claw” and I wondered where he got THAT.

Then, I decided to have a bit of fun. I grabbed the book and a legal pad and plopped on the couch with a fresh cup of tea. I would pretend it was real and adapt the potion to something I would like him to drink. 

After just an hour of translating, two hours of mixing and then fifteen minutes clearing up after myself, i had my potion. It looked and smelled the same aHe would become a tiger, all right but, MY kind of tiger.

A tigress. And not just any tigress but, an anthropomorphic tigress who would obey me completely. It’s a little fantasy, I’ve had for years and, even if it would never work, it would be fuel for ‘solo sessions’ later. 

He arrived home late and with only a quick, “Hey, Mallory!” he ran to his room. He came out about ten minutes later. He was dressed up nicely and oddly fashionable. He was also licking his lips. 

He actually drank it!

“Headin’ out, Ty?” I asked sweetly

“Yeah…” he said, a bit defensively, I felt, “Just going to J.P’s.”

“That dive?” I stood up and walked over to him, “Just stay in and we’ll watch Blackadder together”

“Um, no,” he was almost blushing and I felt guilty at enjoying it so much, “I gotta-“

It was now or never, I thought. If there was any chance in the world that it could work, I had to try. 

“Maybe,” I said stepped in front of him, “You should stay”.

“Mal, you’re being weird,” he said, “Well, weirder than usual.’

Here goes, I thought

“Tyler”, I said, placing my index finger on his forehead, “Mutare ad me servum meum.”

“What?” He said, taking a step back. Then he reeled a bit and I ran behind him, worried.

“Are you okay?” Oh, god, did I poison him?

“jus’ dissy” he slurred.

I guided him to the nearest bedroom, mine, and lay him on the bed. He sat up almost immediately.

“Kinda warm…” he said and began shedding his shirt, “feelsh kinda nice.” he turned to me with a goofy smile on his face,”Y’know, Mal? Yer kinda cute. Too bad yer a lesbian.”

He grinned and it was then I saw his long, sharp teeth.

This was going to be an interesting evening…
