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Well... it seems I might have a torn rotator cuff. I'm making an appointment with an orthorpedic surgeon tomorrow. Being an outdoor athlete comes with some detriments in addition to the myriad benefits.

Since I'm not certain of the prognosis, yet, I'm going to take the precaution of putting this site on hold until I can properly deliver art to you. I will attempt to at least finish the June works but, with the discomfort, I can't guarantee it. I'm really sorry about that.

So, startingJune 29, I'll go on hold until I can absolutely deliver the art you paid for. Thanks so much for sticking with me! I really appreciate all of you.


Seria McCreary

Ouch and damn, hope it is a quick recovery with not to much pain involved. It is worth the wait for your art and I will be here when you are back to full health.


Damn, that sucks. Don't worry though, just focus on taking care of yourself! Hopefully it'll be a quick recovery and that everything works out in the end. Take care and I'm guessing most of us will be waiting eagerly for your return, I know I will!