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Hey, all!

I've recently started suffering an impingement in my shoulder (Yay! Nerve pain!).  It's not debilitating but, REALLY annoying (think of a stone in your shoe that never goes away but, randomly becomes red hot for a short time). I can, and have been, drawing but, it takes more effort to concentrate. 

What this comes down to is that I'll be finishing this month's works and then I'll see how I feel and how the treatment is going. If I'm improving, nothing will change except for a new poll. If I'm not better (or, gods forbid, worse), I'll put the Patreon on hold again until I can fully give you what you come here for. 

Thanks so much for understanding. I'll keep you posted!



Well that really sucks, but hopefully it'll get better soon. Do what you need to do!