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It was a near-perfect early summer day. The sun was warm but, not oppressive and there were enough clouds to find interesting shapes in without blocking the sun too much. 

That’s just what Mary and Elizabeth Howard were doing. This was their first day home from school after their last term. Their last summer, they decided, as children; after this summer they’d have to be adults. 

Not that there were a great deal of options for daughters of the 9th Earl of Carslile that didn’t involve marriage. Marriage was something that was not on their minds at the moments. Certainly boys were important but, ceding one’s life to a man just didn’t feel like the thing to do. Especially not in 1899 with a new century and new opportunities looming. Especially not for twins who were inseparable so much so that they shared the same dream. Ever since they were old enough to read they wanted to be one thing 

They wanted to be writers. 

Not just any writers but writers of fantastic fiction. Not the darkness of Shelly’s “Prometheus Unbound” (which they devoured) nor the technological excitement of H.G. Wells (which they also devoured). They wanted to write something that was like the Greek, Norse and Welsh myths they’d grown up with but, more... modern. 

They dreamed of worlds where legends walked. If only they could write them down properly. There were piles of papers bound in string under their beds but, while they got better each time, they were never as good as they wanted. 

So, now they were lying on their backs in a field at the edge of a wood watching clouds and looking for inspiration. 

With an exaggerated grunt and sigh, Mary stood and began walking to the woods to stretch her legs. Elizabeth didn’t move but closed her eyes and dozed happily. She’d been completely asleep when a voice called out behind her, deep and laden with portent.

“Begone from this place mortal! Thou art trespassing in my realm!”

The portentousness of the declaration was diminished by a giggle.

Elizabeth rose and smiling, replied to her sister.

“And who art thou to send me away like a chastised dog? I am lady Eliza of Darrowby and I am on a quest. I have not the time for the likes of you!”

Mary stalked towards her sister, trying to keep a straight face and look haughty. She was almost succeeding. With an exaggerated sweep of her head, Elizabeth turned her back on her sister.

“Insolent mortal! Thou hast not time for me?” Mary sneered melodramatically, “Well, thou shalt make time for me. All of your time shall be for me.”

With half-closed eyes, Elizabeth looked over her shoulder with her own haughty look. She was one minute older so, haughtyness came naturally at times. She saw that Mary was brandishing an interestingly shaped rowan stick. It looked like a perfect magic wand; Elizabeth knew that if she’d found it, she’d do the same thing.

“What dost thou mean by that?” She asked, “I shall not be waylaid by a flighty faerie princess. I have great things to accomplish, I simply stopped to rest my mare but, she seems to have gotten away from me..”

Mary bit her lip as she thought for a moment. What to say next? Then her face brightened.

“Thou has mislaid your steed? I am also in need of a steed,” she pointed the wand at Elizabeth, taking what she thought was a fencer’s stance, “And THOU shalt be my steed!”

Elizabeth snorted in mock contempt.

“But, a mare is too base a creature to be the steed of a regal fae such as myself!” Mary continued, “Thou shalt be a… be a…”

“A what?” Elizabeth whispered. She was really curious what her sister would come up with.

“You shalt be a…” A grin suddenly slit Mary’s face” A gryphon!”

With that she thrust the stick at Elizabeth and to her surprise and horror, a burst of green light shot from its tip and enveloped her sister…



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