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Let's start off the All Levels Christmas Drawing! 

This won't be a full comic but, I decided you've all been extra nice, so you get an intro to the sequence (in addition to the Aftermath). The rest of the drawings are penciled and just need to be inked and colored.

Thanks again for answering the poll and helping this work get created. I hope you like it!

The story: 

As they got out of the car at the tree farm, Jane and Martha couldn’t have been happier. They’d been roommates and best friends since Freshman year and now they were Seniors and this might just be their first and last Christmas together. 

This was to be their first Christmas without family obligations.Both of their parents were traveling themselves; Jane’s to Seattle and Martha’s to Provance.  They could have a quiet Christmas at their apartment, just the two of them. 

The first step was a tree. They’d have been here sooner but, Jane wanted to pick up some incense at Spirit Dancer. She also bought a bag of “Magic Mistletoe”

“Don’t know what you were thinking.” Martha laughed, “How magic do you think it is?”

“Hey, it’s fun!” Jane replied, “What’s your deal, anyway? You’re the one who got ME into Harry Potter”

“Ha! True!” Jane smiled, “What are you gonna do with it? Find your twue wuv?”

“I don’t know. I mean, you-” Jane suddenly stopped and pointed, “Check it out! A real reindeer! I’ve wanted to pet a reindeer since I was a kid!“

“Oh, wow!” Martha said, “Me, too! Let’s go pet it!”

There was a crinkle as Jane opened the bag that contained the Magic Mistletoe

“Maybe” she said, holding up the mistletoe and waving it, “YOU should give him a big kiss!”

“What? No! Why would I do that?” Martha said, “Besides, isn’t that mistletoe magic?”

“Oh, NOW you believe in it?” Jane sneered, “Are you chicken? C’mon! Kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him!”

Jane began making air kisses at Jane.

“Oh, god!” If I do it will you stop?” 

“Sure.” Jane said with a grin that Martha couldn’t help but return. 

They reached “Sven” the reindeer and Jane walked up in front of him. He smelled like hay and that ‘animal’ smell that reminded her of the horses she rode growing up. The smell of woodsmoke, evergreen and something that was like juniper clung to his fur. His eyes were deep brown and were quite thoughtful as he considered her. She pet his nose and he snuffled and closed his eyes in obvious pleasure.

Jane walked behind Martha and held the mistletoe up between Martha and Sven. 

“Give ‘im a smooch!” she laughed

Martha moved her face close to Sven’s muzzle, the scent of the reindeer filled her nostrils, powerful now but, also more complex. She hoped that he wouldn’t blow snot on her face. When she felt the fur on his nose tickle her lips, she closed her eyes and pushed her lips gently against the soft, cool fur…



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