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Okay, fellow beings!

We're entering the season of many holidays so, I thought I'd offer a present to you all. 

The $1 and 5$ tiers will, this month only, get to vote in the Long Poll for the four-figure one-page TF that the higher tiers get. 

I've yet to figure out what to give to the higher tiers in the time we've got this month but, they'll know as soon as I figure it out (If any $10 or $100 patrons want to message me with ideas I'd be very happy to consider them ((I'm sure a forty-eight page comic would be welcome but...).

I'm not trying to be exclusive, exactly, but I grew up celebrating Christmas, though I now celebrate... I don't know... Krissmiss? Xmas? Whatever has Santa, egg nog, family and presents most prominent. It's what I know. So, I'll start the poll this month with an obvious question:

Should this four-figure one-page TF sequence be:


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