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"Hold still," Elizabeth Crowley scolded as she braided her new daughter's hair, "God! This is so bizarre!"

"You're telling me?" Said Violet, her mannerisms seemed older than her 7-year-old voice. 

"Sorry, Violet, I know it's hard for you but…"Elizabeth gritted her teeth, "See! I can't call you anything but Violet!"

"I know..." Violet said resignedly

Hallowe'en had been on a Friday so they'd had an entire weekend to deal with the aftermath of that night. After the transformation, they'd found themselves, if not compelled, then encouraged to continue Trick-or-Treating. Rose was ecstatic dragging the new girl along and calling her Violet… as did Elizabeth. They went to house after house and nobody found it strange that Rose had a sister, most even called her by her new name.

Violet was as exhausted as Rose at the end of the night and Elizabeth tucked them both in to Rose's bed; she had no idea what else to do. Then she went to her own, solitary bed and slept deeply.

In the morning, she was awakened by a cry and then sobbing. She rushed in to find her second daughter was still there, crying at her new discovery. Violet calmed down quicker than she'd imagined she could and allowed herself to be led around by Rose. Rose's room was now furnished for two and there was no trace of Victor in the house.

As the twins ate breakfast, Elizabeth scoured her papers and records and found out something that was both comforting and disturbing. There was Violet's birth certificate showing her as being born one minute after Rose. There was Violet's first grade report card, she was doing quite well at math. There were photographs of the three of them everywhere. According to the world, Violet had always been here.

She also found out that she'd always been a single mother, her husband having disappeared soon after she was pregnant. He didn't leave her, he just seems to have vanished. His life insurance still paid off and they apparently had enough money so that Elizabeth only needed to work part time. She went to confront Millicent the next day but, her parents said she had gone back to the boarding school in New Hampshire but, would definitely be back for Thanksgiving.

For her part, Violet seemed to be having fun with Rose. When he was her father they'd been very close, she was quite the daddy's girl. Now, he was intimate with her entire world. To be sure, a gradeschooler's world is not that complex or compelling. Violet however, found it oddly fascinating and then began to fall into Rose's world. He didn't feel less like he was but, he began to feel, despite himself, that things might not be so bad; less worry and gobs of energy. So, what if his closet contained rather disconcertingly purple things. The only thing that bugged him was he was already thinking of himself as "Violet" and was unable to say anything about his past life outside of the house.

"Ow!" gasped Violet

"Sorry!" Elizabeth said, "Almost done

"Yer gonna go to school with me! Yer gonna go to school with me!" Rose sang at Violet

"Yeah…" Violet bit her lip

"Are you nervous, Honey?" Asked Elizabeth

"Yup." was all Violet could say.

"You'll be fine, Dear," biting her own lip as she tied the ribbon on Violet's pigtail, "You'll be fine."

"BUS IS COMING! BUS IS COMING! BUS IS COMING!" Rose yelled and grabbed Violet's hand, "Getcher books! C'mon!"

Violet grabbed her books and was pulled by Rose out to the curb. Elizabeth watched them go through the window and wondered what strangeness the next year would bring...



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