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Looks like the fight has gone out of our former alpha male. 

With the exception of the final two paragraphs, text by me! (Trying more porn. Please critique as much as you would the art)

After two days of urges that you never knew you could feel, you've given up fighting. You comb the streets, searching for the ram, following any scent that feels right. You play with yourself idly, rubbing your dripping pussy or playing with your engorged nipples. Whether you do it to keep the arousal at bay, or keep yourself on the edge for when you find him, you can't say.

Then, suddenly, there he is. 

Your psyche reasserts itself when you see the ram standing, a blade of grass between his teeth. You don't throw yourself at him, as you'd dreamed for the past few hours, but you don't run either. 

 "Look at you... " he says, rubbing his crotch as he readies himself to try to take you again, "Are you ready to join my flock?"

He struts towards you and stands before you as you tremble. With a chuckle, he rubs his 'specially treated' wool on you, causing you to moan at his touch. As his masculine scent overwhelms your senses, you drop to your hands and knees of your own accord. 

"There we go, my little ewe" he says with obvious satisfaction, "It's good to see you know your place."

As he walks slowly behind you, you bite your lower lip in expectation. When he kneels down behind you and you feel his hooflike hands grab your butt, you let out a little whimper. 

"Oh, yes," he says,"No more fight left in you, then?"

"N-n-no." You manage as you turn to try to see him, "I just-"

You gasp as he presses the tip of his penis against your dripping vagina, your own tiny cock is hard and leaking. The sense of anticipation has caused your resolve to flee completely.

"P-p-p-please?" You whimper with no trace of shame. Your voice is high with fear; fear that he might leave without fucking you.

"My pleasure," he says with the absolute certainty of a dominant male.

He pulls you roughly onto his cock and you cry out with relief and pleasure. He pounds you like a machine, causing your large breasts to swing and your own tiny penis to quiver. Your brain is being overwhelmed by pleasure and you push back into him whenever he pulls, driving for more. Your moans become bleats that come in gasping breaths to the rhythm of his thrusts. 

He begins to grunt in time with you and when he climaxes, you both bleat at the top of your lungs. Your tiny cock spews it's very last load as your pussy explodes with pleasure. As his erection slowly deflates, he leans his full weight on you, grabbing your left breast and playing with your nipple. Panting, you find yourself relishing the domineering force of his body on your back and hoping he'll never, ever get off of you. 

Get off of you he does, though you barely notice through the haze of your afterglow. You lay there on  you belly with your eyes half-closed, playing with your nipples, feeling his cum seep from your still-sensitive vagina. 

"What a good little ewe," he says condescendingly, "Come find me when you're finished and ready for another ride".

You watch him go, and only your exhaustion keeps you from crawling after him, begging...

You give a loud moan, shuddering, woolly skin glistening as your C cup breasts become E cup orbs!  Strange erotic tingles run over your penis as it begins to shrink. It dwindles in size pulling up inside you as your balls do the same. You barely have time to give a whimper as you cease to be a male.

You can see your vagina swell as your thighs are nudged apart to make room for those thickening lips, growing wider! It is hot and dripping.



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