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Yup. I'm officially my own Rule 34!

The story:

He eyes the drink before him, seemingly mesmerized. He glances up at the bartender who regards him with a slight smile, golden eyes sparkling. 

"This is forbidden for humans but, it's not poison?" he asks.

"No, not poyzon" the bartender says with his otherworldly accent, "It nowt kill you."

"So, it's called," he searches his memory, "the 'Zolan Ko-rah', right? The "seeker of pleasure". Supposed to be an aphrodisiac?

"Truth. Very much aphrodisiac." the bartender's smile gets a larger and his eyes sparkle even more, "But, for hoomanz, it iz called Molav Kalesh, 'The Pillow Maker'. Iz more 'propriate."

"Why?" he asks, trying to work out the meaning of the name, "Will it make me sleepy?"

"No. Def'nitely nowt sleepy." the bartender chuckles, "Drink if you dezire. You have paid a great deal for that glaz."

He regards the glass again. He has indeed paid a great deal for the glass in his hand. It was one of the reasons he came to Alshain. It had taken him a week to uncover one of the few bars on the entire planet that would serve him the drink. 

He glances around the room. It isn't exactly seedy but, it's the type of place he usually considered too low class for someone like himself. Spacers and travelers of all types, local and offworld came here for reasons legal and illegal. Strange, intriguing scents of alien tobacco and sweat permeated the room. 

He looks back at his drink; a shiny blue fruit bobbing in the thick pink liquid. Lifting it to his nose he sniffs gently. The smell is amazing. Flowery, yet somehow savory, it practically begs him to drink it. 

"Well!" he says with considerable pleasure, "Bottoms up!'

He takes a sip and suddenly finds himself gulping until nothing is left but dregs. The taste was even better than the smell! He's about to ask for another when he feels a bit woozy.

"Wow," He says, thickly," That packs a kick."

Then, he hiccups and...



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