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Kinda felt that I needed to keep everyone in the loop.

I talked about this a bit in my discord server just now, but not everyone is there, so I'm making a post here too.

First of all, I want to say I'm sorry for taking much longer to make stuff this month, and in the end making less stuff. I want to make you guys feel like you got your pledge's worth, and I feel like I'm lacking on that part.

Secondly, I wanted to explain what has been going on.
Simply put, stress. A lot of it.

A new semester just started at uni, and it's already being extremely stressful. And thanks to my extremely demanding parents, there's been a lot of stress at home too. To keep it short and not too personal, there's been a lot of arguments, and it's kind of taking a toll, to the point where I have absolutely no drive to work.

I'm doing my best to finish my current projects and keep making stuff for you guys, I promise I'll dig myself out of this as soon as I can. If needed, I'll even pause the pledges so I can take a month long breather. But I don't think I'm at that point yet.

Anyway, to wrap up this long wall of text, I just wanted to say again, I'm sorry for not providing the best content this month. I'm working on it, I promise. Thank you all so much for the continued support, it's because of all of you that I even bother to try these days. Thank you for giving me the chance to make a living out of my passion, I won't throw this chance away.
Thank you.



Everyone needs time for their lives outside of the internet, and i feel most people should understand that. So take it slow and do what you gotta do


Honestly, I care more about quality than quantity and you put out some of the best. I wouldn’t want to see you burn yourself out on be unable to keep working. Keep yourself healthy!

Midnight Sparkle

Feel free to take a breather when you feel like it. Feel better soon.