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So I had planned to have two stories done and posted this month, but that looks unlikely now. May was a tough month for me in a lot of ways-I was out of town for ten days right in the middle of the month, I left my grinding day job, and have been struggling to find some free time now that pandemic restrictions are lifting where I live and I suddenly have lots of social obligations. So by the end of the day monday, the RWBY story will be out, and that's it.

But next month I have a lot more planned, including the Persona 5 commission that was supposed to come out this month (featuring an aged-up raceswapped black Ren, and Makoto), along with the first half of very old, unfinished yet already long story of mine that is somewhat topical with the FF7 Remake, focusing on Sephiroth taking Cloud's place in the Don Corneo mission, genderswapping into a girl and falling head over heels in lust with Corneo.  Hopefully with more, commissioned stories to come as well.

I will also be going back to 2 story polls this month, so I plan on having at LEAST three paid posts, possibly 4, so just a heads up to adjust your maximum pledges accordingly. 

Thank you all for your continued support, and I hope to pick up the pace for all of you next month and for the foreseeable future as well!



Will the fox ensnared chapter 2 be out anytime soon?