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The votes are in and the winner of the 2nd poll is the Naruto story featuring Temari "thanking" Naruto by showing off exactly what she can do with her busty body.  A big thank you to everyone who voted!

Also, a minor update, the Bleach story is nearly done, and I will have this story done by week's end. Rather than just make it a paid post next month, I'll make this one a placeholder. that way I can be hopefully caught up and have two (potentially 3 or even 4 if I get enough commissions done) posts next month For those of you on the suggestion tier, poll ideas must be in by the 10th of the month, as then I will put up the polls, so I can get started on the stories sooner. 

I've started a new day job this month, and it's helped me focus a bit more energy (if not time) on writing, so I think next month I'll be back to a more regular rhythm so I can keep making good content for all of you. Thank you for your continued support, and I hope to keep doing this for you for many more months to come. 



glad to hear you are doing better Rabiator