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So it looks like the winner of the second poll is Teen Titans, featuring Raven using magic to grow a futa dick and energy tentacles to fuck Starfire's fat ass and thick Tamaran titties until the beautiful princess is utterly her's. Thanks to everyone who voted!

In addition, while I want to get both poll stories up this month, I just don't think its feasible. Over the past several months, I have been suffering from low-level burnout in my writing, as well as several other things affecting me, from the general state of things right now, to upheavals in my personal life (I moved at the end of June and been informed I will be moving again in less than a year, and then after that, no I wouldn't...or maybe I will )  which has made my output worse and worse. That in turn made my pace slower because I feel guilty about not doing all I can to write as much as I can, as fast as I can.  Thinking about what I need to do has paralyzed me from actually doing it. 

So the DxD story will be up before the end of the month tomorrow night, and then the Teen Titans story will follow in October, as a non-paid post. I hate to keep kicking the can down the road like this, and hopefully I won't have to anymore after this month. I'm going to take a few days completely away from writing and thinking about writing in the start of October, so I can hopefully come back refreshed and get back to work at a healthy clip for all of you. 



Have you considered just taking a break. Obvious questions aside, you've been keeping pace for a quite a while. No reasonable person would blame you if you took the rest of the year off.


I've thought about, yes. But I'd like to avoid that unless at all possible. Money concerns aside, I do really enjoy writing, I just wish I could settle into a more healthy, productive routine with it.