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Hey everybody, before I put up the results of the first story poll and get the second one up (both of that will probably happen tomorrow), I wanted to get your thoughts on an idea I had.

After talking to several other creators and looking at some data collected by Patreon itself, I have been considering deleting my $1 tier and raising it to $2. Not a big change, but I wanted to let everyone know about it before I ultimately made a decision. I know that most of my supporters here are on the $1 tier, and I am very grateful to all of you-having this Patreon got me through a tough financial period last year when I didn't have a conventional job, and even now that I have one again, it is still a big help in keeping me financially secure.

Now, the new tier wouldn't offer any additional benefits, it would just replace the $1 tier. However, going forward when I set up story polls, I will make two posts-one with just the options, and one for people on the voting tier to actually cast their votes. I want everyone to see what is being voted on, so they can decide about maybe raising their pledge to help their favorite idea win and also so they are simply kept informed. But I've had problems in the past with people voting who shouldn't have been and that made it more difficult for me to do an accurate count. 

So please let me know what you think, both by voting and leaving whatever thoughts you have about this in the comments. I look forward to seeing your responses and once again, I'm very thankful to all of you for your continued support.



I think you should keep the $1 tier, but only let that tier access new stories, while the $2 tier let you access the polls.


Hmm, that's an interesting idea. They wouldn't get to vote on the polls, but they would see what story ideas were up for consideration?


Omg, I’m so sorry! I mistook you for Cambrian for a sec, who let’s his $1 tier vote (I like your stories a lot more btw). Now that I had my brain fart moment, I’d personally like it if you kept it at $1. I honestly wouldn’t mind it if you increased it to $2 because the quality of your stories are worth it, but due to personal money constraints I’m a lot more hesitant to do it.


Yeah, I think a lot of people have that concern. I just figured that it wouldn't be too much of a stretch since I do several posts per month-pretty much always 3. So If I go ahead and set the tier at $2, I figured people who are pledged now at $1 could just lower how many stories they want to pay for. So if now you pay $1 three times for three stories, you could choose to only pay $2 one time and actually save money. If enough people want to pay for the second and third story, it will still be a big help to me.


If your doing content/3 a month set it to $2 for sure the stories are worth it