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Hey everybody, just wanted to give you a little heads-up on what's coming your way this month. Aside from the two poll stories (the first of which will be up right after this),  I'll be doing a third paid story that's just my idea, just so I can keep making some personal ideas that I've wanted to work on for a while with how tight my writing schedule has been lately. I wanted to tell everybody so you know to adjust your pledges.

In addition to those, I have several commissions in the work as well. These include the next chapter in my spin-off of Slutwriter's Pleasant Hills story, the 2nd chapter of my Sailor Mars futa story, and (hopefully) several others.

Thanks for your continued support, and I hope you enjoy what I come out with next!



Thanks for the heads up! Just curious, do you think it'll be a long while before your commission slots open up again?

Fooled Trooper

Talk about being popular. Thats some work you got there. Wew.


Ha, well I don;t know how popular I am compared to some of the bigger writers out there, but I do try my best.


What is the next story you plan on putting out this month?