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So in preparation for my next story poll (my second story for this month is underway and should be done by Saturday) I thought I'd pick people's brains about potential series they'd like to see me write about. Feel free to comment specific pairings if any come to mind. This is a mixture of things I've never written before and also series I've heard about but don't actually have first hand experience with.



I think Overwatch could do well with one of your 'abusive asshole with huge dick shows up and enslaves all the women' scenarios.


Always a classic, and something i do excel at for sure. Though Overwatch falls in that area of 'fandoms i only know about through porn osmosis', pornmosis. Plus i'd feel a little intimidated by your own work in the setting-I'd probably use the characters you haven't covered.


Dragon Ball Z? Maybe something with Android 18?


True, but i was mainly focusing on stuff i haven't done before. I have a FF7 fic (that as usual features a hung OC and other people acting wildly OOC for smut), and have vague plans to do more in that universe at some point.

vivian violet

Definitely on board for overwatch if only to get some sweet sweet Mei smut. One piece would be great if you tackled the gender/body swapping stuff Law did, smoker in tashigis body or sanji in namis body are ripe with possibility


You know, of all the One Piece ideas I had, and how much I'm enjoying genderbent stuff lately, it totally eluded me that Law has done that in canon. Tashigi is hot enough, but Smoker being in her body seemed to double her cup size aside from how hot the idea of a cigar-chomping gruff Marine getting cored deep in all three of her holes until she's a mewling kitten is. The only question is who she'd be paired (or threed, or foured) up with.


Code Geass has my vote. The only way to keep Lelouch from his impending insanity is to release all that sexual tension. For the good of the world and all that jazz.