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Hello all you lovely folks!

Just a quick update today! Wanted to let you all know that the Patreon will be going on PAUSE for April

What does this mean? You will not be charged for next month on the 1st, and you will retain your current teir/access. Billing will resume as normal the following month in May.

To explain, I'm currently wrestling with an insanely busy crunch at my dayjob and I've fallen too far behind on content to feel comfortable charging next month. So Instead I'll be pausing charges and using next month to get caught up on the stuff I wasn't able to finish this March! I apologize for the delay on new content, I've been trying to juggle both, but my workload is growing not shrinking and I need to take the time to catch up. So please consider April a free month where I'll make up for this one being too light.  

Thank you all for understanding and being patient with me while I get thru this busy patch! I appreciate it a lot.

~ Patte


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