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Hey everyone!

Here are the four winners, the four that I will draw next month !

Ahri / Ryza / Yoruichi / Rias

I hope everyone got at least one character that you are happy with, I'm also really surprised that Ryza is one of the winners as I just did an illustration of her... Maybe you didn't like the one I did and want another one 🥹

Anyway, this is funny because I already did 2 of them and the other 2 are new (Yoruichi and Rias) so it's balanced in that way 😚

Also as next month was fully voted and will be only waifu war illustrations, there won't be any poll in march (yup... April will be only my choice of characters 👿) Or at least that is the current plan from Dark Mitsu.

Thank you all for voting and helping me choose characters from my Dreamlist vol.1 page 1 first paragraph....

There are 20 volumes of characters I'd like to draw. 🥹




A moment of sadness for Tharja did not make it... 😢

Oliver Lum



Ah well, I was out-voted on all of my votes. Maybe in the future. I think it would be better to not have repeats in the votes because there will be people always voting for the same winners.

Weldy00 (Matt)

20 volumes?! 😱 Dark Mitsu might need to take over more often to get through all of those ;)


I'm quite surprised about the winners but happy to see different characters. Ahri's was a super long while ago and she did get a Visual Update in the game so seeing her new form would be nice. You did Ryza tho? When?!? Am I blind?!? Update: Yes I am blind. But she's March's reward! So technically we didn't get her yet.


Yes. Tifa should never be in another vote ever again...


I did Ryza recently but also a long time ago ! This will be my third Ryza 😙


How can you say that we didn't like your previous illustration of ryza?? It was awesome! I voted for her because i want more cute riza illustrations. ❤️


Oohiic now. Yea. Term 029, almost 3 years ago now! Dayum. Well she's not a super popular character in terms of art, at least that I've seen, so not so bad. Tho perhaps recent characters shouldn't be in votes in the future to avoid this double/back-to-back choices... Having said that anyone you draw is amazing so I'll happily support whatever you do🥰



Sebby Kwak

TIFA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I don't think it's because people didn't like your last Ryza, it is amazing. I think it's because she is a ridiculously beautiful character and because her new game comes this month. And because one more Ryza from you is an opportunity we cannot miss :-)


So happy Rias is part of this. A Mitsu version of her… marvelous


So happy to see Yoruichi winning. Hope to see more Bleach characters in the future.


Ohh can't wait to see them all, especially Ahri and Rias <3