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Hello everyone,

Now that I've finished my end of the year terms illustrations, I'm going to rest a little, take a few days of vacation, watch anime, play games and drink hot chocolate ... and sleeeeeeeeeep :)

There will only be one term this month (you will only be charged once😚 )

I wish the best to everyone who has returned to work!

Thank you all for your support, I will take the time to answer the messages and send the Catchup Terms soon. (and prints!)

Thank you for your patience as always :)




Enjoy your time off! :)


Thanks Mitsu! Pleaseee take your deserved vacations and enjoy👏👏


Enjoy everything you get up to!


A well deserved time off!!! Take ALL THE TIME YOU NEED!! <3 ALSO.. I think I speak for everyone when I say we need more chibi Mitsu in our!! lives


Thank you everyone :) 💜🏮💕

Reploid Hero

Gotta rest those art muscles, they make such pretty art !! :D


Thanks for finishing, enjoy your break! See you again around Valentine’s day

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 04:35:06 Enjoy your break, you earned it <3
2023-01-12 00:25:33 Enjoy your break, you earned it <3

Enjoy your break, you earned it <3