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Hello everyone !

I'm excited to show a preview of the next animated illustration coming this month as a bonus !
To be honest this was planned to be at the end of the year ... but as you can tell it didn't go as expected. I would love those animation bonus to be almost every month like I originally planned with my goals but right now I can't find animators to work with regularly.

Also I'm in the process of reworking the goals so it makes more sense and be more exciting for you and me, hopefully I can share more soon.

This Baal animation will be available in HD SFW and NSFW in the current term package ! this low res GIF is just a preview!




That's beautiful! It's always a treat to get an animation from you. 🥰


Insane, thank you for the preview !

Jelly Jiggler

These are awesome, I look forward to the others.