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Hey guys !

So the poll is over and A2 won by... 1 vote 😚
This as been a long time since we had a result this close !

Of course La Signora will be back in the next one, to get another chance !

About the poll, I hope you liked the new format. Personnally I think there was a bit too many steps and votes, so I will probably do a mix of the old format and new one for the coming poll.

Thank you guys for voting ! A2 is coming 😍



mad munchkin

And they say your vote doesn't really make a difference!

Oliver Lum

Oh my goodness, I forgot to cast k vote for Signora 😂😭. Oh well A2 is great too!!


I wasn't sure whether to go Tier 2 or Tier 3, but since the extra vote i got was the exact amount needed for A2, I know i made the right choice.


Congrats 😅