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Hey guys ! 

With my break this month, and also some back and forth on my illustration I'll be a little late (probably 2/3 days). But don't worry the term will be complete and you'll still receive it next week.

Only the Summary is missing but please note that you'll get Kainé + Bahroo illustration and as a bonus the Ganyu animated wallpaper (HD Video)

I hope you're not disapointed in me being a bit late. 

For me I'm reeally glad with both illustrations so I prefer to be a bit late and be happy with how they look !

Thank you for your understanding and for your support, hope you like the small preview. 💕

This is the official "term is done" post

Bye bye




Man, it looks so awesome. Please take your time.


It looks amazing. Please take the time you need.


So cute!