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Erza takes the win !
Nakama power as a true Fairy Tail member :)

For those who don,t know her, first go read and watch Fairy Tail ! She is one of the strongest mage of her guild and has the power to change her clothes / armor and weapon to gain new abilities.

What is great about that is ... I can choose whatever design I want Nyark !
She has so many cool clothes, from traditional japanese kimono, to sexy demonic armor.

Tell me what armor you'd prefer for this illustration and maybe I will take your choice !

Also... Nitocris is sad... and I am too. I secretly wanted her to win... but I am glad Erza is the winner. Anyway Nitocris will return next month so I will be patient, just like with Shuten douji who was second multiple time... until I decided to do an illustration anyway :D

Thank you so much for voting



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