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Hello everyone.

First of all I want to thank everyone who joined recently.

This is the first time my Patreon reach the 1000s members, and it's something I couldn't even dream for, it's just incredible to receive this much support.

Thanks to Sinder and WZ, this project, that started just as a fun animation wallpaper like we do sometimes as a Patreon reward, became something insane, and of course Sinder really made the illustration her own on her stream.

So thank you so much 🔥

Now, I know my patreon can be confusing at first so I want to inform all of you of a few decisions I've taken just for this month to suit better the situation.

I'll try my best to explain, but feel free to ask me questions in the comments.

For people who support both term there is no significant changes. 

But because I can imagine some just joined to get the spicy Sinder pack, I decided to change the order of the packs to make it a bit more convenient.

So :

This allows me to have a day between Term 107 and 108's closing date on Patreon to accomodate people who want to be subscribed just for Sinder.

So, if you're only here to get Sinder's pack, you MUST be subscribed when I post the "Term 107 ✅" on the evening of the 30th, and then, CANCEL your sub before I publish the "Term 108 ✅" post on the evening of the 31st if you don't want it.

Or alternatively you can put a limit to your subscription in your membership settings to 1 pack per month and you'll automatically receive the 107 (Sinder).


Now that I'm done with the boring explanations, hopefully making the process of sending the rewards as smooth as possible, I want to confirm that everything will be sent on June 5th !

If you're reading this after the end of May, and you missed the cut-off date, you can still catch-up the rewards on my Gumroad!

And for the people who joined recently, that are wondering if it's worth to stay, please note that, as almost every month, we're currently having a community poll "Waifu War" to choose the waifu I will draw next month, voted by Pateon members, and suggested on Discord !

Thank you again for the massive support from my usual supporters 💜, and the new comers 🧡




Mitsu taking care of all the tourists. Such a good hostess~ Hopefully y'all stick around. It's hella worth it!


Thank you for being so user friendly! Do you plan to make more animated wallpapers in the future? Your art looks already stunning, but animated it is truly breathtaking!


Everyone forfeit all mortal possessions to best artist Mitsu. She is worth it I promise.


I do ! but it's always more as a bonus than something that will come every month at least for now, but it also depends on how much people like it. I already made a bunch, most of them with WZ at the animations : You can see them by scrolling to the LIVE WALLPAPERS section here https://mitsuartofficial.gumroad.com


Did not realize there are sections. Thank you!


don't know if i missed it somewhere but what time zone is it


Usually I try to post the "Term XXX ✅" post at the latest possible before Patreon's cut-off date, so around 10-11 PM California time PDT.


You have such amazing art. Thank you for doing such a great job on Sinder. I have a question: Are the rewards identical between Patreon and Gumroad, or are there things you get with one and not the other? (Live wallpaper desktop / phone, animated profile icon)


Is the chibi mitsu succubus included? Because that thing is so cute 😅😅


I've been subbed since early-mid 2023 and it's certainly worth it to stick around, her art is incredible!


thank you so much for the amazing art and the clarification for how this all will work. you're amazing thank you so much


How do I join the discord? 🤔🤔 never used discord before 😅


Uh oh, dark Mitsu is leaking again. 😝


While I did find you through Sinder, I'm going to stay regardless. I like your art and want to keep giving my support for ya. I appreciate the time and effort you put into your craft

slinger omega

Either way I'm staying. If follow you on twitter and your art is absolutely amazing and I want to continue supporting the time and effort you put into each art piece.


can i just get an explanation of what the Crystanima stuff is? im really confused about it


Hello and welcome ! Sure you can learn more about it here : https://crystanima.kizunastudio.com , but the short version is, it's a loyalty point system, you earn this fantasy currency each month when you're pledge, the amount depending on the tier, and you can then spend it on cool rewards. BUT ... the reward structure is currently in rework because the system was far from perfect, so I'm preparing a 2.0 version. but yeah, it's loyalty points for rewards. Even though it's currently being reworked, everyone still earns crystanima each month.

Adrian Zachary

Definitely want to stay longer to see more of your work


Haha :) but yes, she will be a bonus for the Sinder pack, and for the Mitsu ink pack it will be a Mitsu chibi anniversary


if you have a discord account you are automatically connected at the same time as your sub to Patreon if I understood everything correctly


i just subbed right now did i make it in time for 107 (i asked because of timezone)?


Subed at 9 am today (est) did i make it for 107?


Yes! There is still about 5 hours or so to sub and get the Sinder pack on June 5th🔥!

Kayami Kira

So I sadly missed that there was a time limit on twitter, If I read correctly tier 4 allows for previous rewards yes?


Hey there Kayami ! Please send me a DM, since you barely missed it I'll see what I can do. I'll answer around June 5th

Kayami Kira

I might be an idiot but I can't seem to find a way to send you DM ^^''


I don't know about mobile, but for desktop it should be below my top banner on the right, no ?

Kayami Kira

Might not be available for free followers ? I was not sure which pledge to take yet so still free haha


So I missed the time limit, I subscribed with the Hero tier do I get both the 108 and the 107?


Hello and welcome Ryujhin ! Yes they will be available as cacth-ups next month.


Hi, can you briefly explain again, if I subscribe to you now, can I get the Sinder kit? And how to do it. thx!


Hi ZeKron ! Sure : now that the month is over there are two solutions for you to get the Sinder pack. Either get it on my Gumroad right now, or if you're not in a hurry, get Tier 4 to get this month's content and ask for a past reward as a catch-up when I send the rewards early in July!


I already bought it, but I find it weird that there is no video of the three colors shimmering at the same time. But I'm still very happy with it!