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Hey everyone ! I just posted the latest comission (Yuma) that was obtained through Crystanima, and it's now the perfect time to update you about this system... well in fact it's been long overdue, as since it's first been introduced in 2020 (here) the Crystanima system has never been updated or changed. This is mainly because it's stressful and hard to change something like this and I didn't know exactly what to do to be happy about it without hurting people who have been really supportive and stayed for so long and now have a lot of crystanima.

So it's going to be a bit long (TLDR at the end) but I want to explain a few things on cystanima and why it needs to change. The obvious thing is, right now, crystanimas are not really cool, and feels like "Oh Nice I have enough to get a spot on the list. Now I'll just wait for a super long time..."

I wanted it to be a reward for long time supporters, as they would accumulate this currency that they could then spend to get various things. But as it is right now, it fails on various points , and I failed at updating it sooner. The thing is I'm often working on my illustrations, and taking the time to rework Tiers for Patreon, or the crystanima system is not easy. But as some people have now obtained up so many points, it's urgent that I update you with a few things.

First I want to say I love doing commissions, but only punctually, once in a while, and I will only keep appreciating that if it stays that way. If I feel like I have to do one or more per month I know I will not be happy with that.
Right now the commission list is so long that doing one every other month will probably book me for the next 5 years, assuming no new sots are reserved...
Obviously I could keep it like that, but I feel really bad about making some people wait for years to get their illustration of their favorite characters.
But this is not the only issue. So I'll make a list.

Current issues with the Crystanima system

  • I don't do enough commissions to go through the list
  • No rewards for lower tier members even if they are long time supporters
  • Some rewards are not fun for me to do as I can't finish the illustration (Sketch and line art only)

So the next update will try to fix all these issues, by hopefully having something for everyone to look for, not having to wait a crazy amount of time to get your reward, and no fun rewards allowed... And a very important point, I don't want anyone to feel betrayed by the new system. This will of course be hard to do, and it's often impossible to please everyone, especially those who where close to get enough to finally reserve a slot, but ... right now reserving a slot means, waiting for 5 years... so I'm sure if that's your case you will appreciate a better system.

As I'm still working on these reworks, I will ask you that please don't spend any crystanima, and don't reserve any more commission slots

Currently I'm thinking about

  • Adding new rewards, deleting a few or replacing them
  • Re-balancing the crystanima gain per month vs how much things costs and how long it takes for me to complete a reward.
  • Deleting the system completely... 😭

For those who already have commission slots reserved I will write a message to you really soon!

If you have ideas, feedback or suggestions, please tell me this could help a lot! I will try to have it ready for early next month !


Crystanima will change soon as the system is not exciting for most people (lack of rewards or it takes super long for me to get to your comission), in the meantine please don't spen any of your points! Thanks




Been here for a few years and TIL Crystanima exists Just here to support and enjoy all the the art you make You should draw whatever you are feeling for the month so it doesn't feel like a chore and then its gonna end up the best

Jules Valar

Regarding the Crystamina system I aslo think that the the thing is flawed but there's no "perfect" system sadly. A good thing IMHO would be to add a "what would you like" with one or multiples answer with different cost of Crystamina associated for each categories (character, setings, clothes, animations for existing drawings, Dark Mitsu, other things) and you could add those to the patreon polls as you see fit each month (I'd love to spend my stams for more of your OCs!! :) ). At the end of the day the most important thing is how you feel about drawing something so do as you want and I'm sure It will be only to do the best ! Cheers!