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Greetings beautiful patrons!

We have a winner! Riju will be our character of July Fanart Poll! Poor Shantae fought well one more month... she deserves a pic too!! 💦

BUT talking about Riju, as a redhead AND gerudo lover, it was a matter of time until I draw her, so I'm very grateful you guys forced the situation 😌💜 I've to do something special for her, you will see!

Thank you so much for participating, and of course, thanks to Praetors for suggesting her 💜

As always, remember that every suggestion will be taken into account for future artworks, winner or not!

See you next Poll! 😘




I am sad that Marin is no longer in the running but it wasn't gonna happen I suppose 😭


Martin and Shantae are in the same situation, I really need to do something about this 😭

Agenda X

Coming in at dead last for the second month in a row! 🫠


Darn, Nia (driver form) lost again. Well, Ruji was my second so it's good


Honestly I thought Byleth was going to do super good! WHAT HAPPENED?!?!


I didn't even know who Nia is until just like this week, maybe my vote would have been different if I knew...

Lukela Kanae

Where did riju go?


Still in the making! It will be ready as soon as possible, sorry for the wait 🙏💦