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Hey beautiful patrons! 💜

TL;DR: I'm recovering and I will get back to work ✨

As I mentioned last week, I've been dealing with health issues. I got really scared because symptoms were heavy. Half of my face got completely paralyzed, making basic movements like blinking or speaking almost imposible.

Reading about causes worried me a lot. But thankfully, my doctor quickly found the reason, and it was "just" a viral infection that affected the nerve that controls that side of my face.

Thanks to the combination of meds and rest, I can happily say that I'm recovering ✨! Little by little I'm getting able to move my face, and most importantly, I can blink again...

I wanted to say that I REALLY appreaciate your patience guys. I know this month hasn't been the best in terms of rewards, but now I can get back to work. I will be finishing May rewards ASAP, and start working on June content.

Again, thank you SO MUCH for your support. I hope you're having a great and healthy week 🥰



Get well soon! Health is first priority always


I'm glad to hear you're feeling better but don't force yourself to work too hard if you're not at 100% yet, take care of yourself first and get as much rest as you need to recover!


That’s good news indeed!!! Just remember, you need to be 100% before you make art again ❤️

Jadeite Nefrítis

Get well soon friend 🙏🏿❤️‍🩹🫂


THANK U MAR!!! You're right. I will take it easy at first until I'm 100% recovered 💜


Aww thank u so much Praetors! 🥺💜 I will take it easy at first until I'm fully recovered, but I feel the need to work on the rewards I owe you guys!

Jadeite Nefrítis

You are welcome no need to rush things man 😊


That's TERRIFYING, I hope you recover well, and take all the time you need <3


Take care and get your rest in.


Thank you Dilloid 💜 It has been a super scary experience until the found the reason... thank god it is almost over 💦


That sounds completely awful!! Good to hear you're healing. Please take all the time you need!

Jason Lewis

Cheese n rice man, that sounds terrifying! Glad you're recovering