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Hello beautiful patrons 💜

First of all, if you're already a patron, this change won't affect you, so don't worry!

I'm sure you already hear it, but now Patreon let us charge patrons on the date they join monthly, instead of forcing the 1st of each month.

This way, people who join at the end of the month won't be charged twice (for example, with previous system, if they join on September 30th, they would pay that day and then again on October 1st, it was ridiculous).

Because of this, we will be able to promote our pages at the end of the month without feeling guilty, what a relieve 💦

As I said, nothing changes for existing patrons. You will still be charged on the 1st of each month as usual.

I was trying to think of a downside of this new system but nothing comes to my mind, so I will be changing it during today. What do you think?


John Rose

First I'm hearing of the change surprised this error survived all these years I think its better for the consumer in general


Yeah it was weird, but I guess it makes sense for a certain type of creator that gives monthly exclusive content and then removes at the end of the month. For me I think it would work better the new system