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So there I am, geared up, coffee in one hand, Nintendo Switch in the other. I'm in it for the long haul. I'd been doing this for months, after all. It'd become a monthly routine. Days of trading on Nookazon had gotten me too many Nook Miles Tickets to count, but I knew I needed them, because there are almost 400 villagers in Animal Crossing and I had (more or less) an equal chance of running into any one of them on my adventures.

I'd spent hours a day doing this over the past few months. Visiting islands one at a time in search of him: Pietro. So imagine my luck when, with over one hundred tickets in my inventory, I find him after exactly 16 tickets spent. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUCK YEAH.

Well, I'd set aside hours today for this, and it ended pretty abruptly, so with the extra time I had, I doodled this. To celebrate, and further increase the amount of dickgirls-getting-fucked art, here you go.



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