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With all the Lucky shenanigans, that is.  If so, might have to start going back to fat pokemon ladies, or something. Aggron's been drawing my attention lately.


Carter Baugh

Could do tanya too. always good to see more of her

Sean the Rabbit

I enjoy Lucky. That being said, wouldn't mind seeing more of Jester-bot either.


You don't have to stop drawing Lucky, she's pretty fun. But it would be nice to see some of your other characters, some of them haven't been seen in a long time.


Maybe a little. Still, more Fat 'Mon Ladies is always a good thing

Dead man

Variety is the spice of life man, taking a look back and redrawing some old characters doesn't sound half bad either. I guess its just how you feel dude but I'm fine with whatever.


overboard is not enough, we need to go further beyond! (translation: keep those Lucky shenanigans coming)


Idk you seem entertaining doin ya thing so i aint gonna feel like disrupting that.


Definitely do some Aggron stuff, but don't completely abandon your current other things.