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Dear Diary,

They came by again today. My new best friend! We talked a little bit. I asked them about their day and what they had been up to. They’re not too much of a talker though, I know, so I didn’t mind when they didn’t answer me. We still had a lot of fun, even if they were a little bit rough. It’s just nice to have some company, you know? I do wish I could understand them better, though. Like, I can’t tell when they want to hang out. They just drop by unannounced, most of the time just kinda staring through the window, which is fine I guess... And then there’s the whole constantly changing sex thing. That’s kinda weird too. They haven’t really answered my question as to how they do that. I guess I’ll keep asking and let you know when I find out, diary.

Anyway, they can be a little pushy sometimes...Okay, all the time, I guess, but I don't mind that much. The other day, right before they pinned me down like they usually do, I asked as nice as I could if they would wear that nurse outfit that I bought last Halloween. You remember that, right Diary? (We had a lot of fun with that!) They stared at me for a long time, and I thought that maybe I was asking too much, so I went to say I was sorry, but can you believe that they actually put it on?! And then they sat still and let me touch them too...like a lot! They had a really, really big butt that day. (It changes a lot.) I think I kinda lost track of time when I was grabbing it though, because they turned around really quick, looking super sweaty and shaky. They were really, REALLY rough on me after that. You really don’t want to make them wait too long. I guess the point is, for someone who’s so...pushy, I didn’t think they would actually listen! Our friendship really has come a long way, but it still needs some work, I think, so next time they come by, I’ll make sure to ask plenty more questions, diary. I'm so excited for next time...! Whenever that is.


Don't worry. They used plenty of lube. It just works. It doubly so works when ultra close proximity to someone really turns you on, and he's about to get really, really close.



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