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Boring. The life of a princess was so very boring. Her kingdom was rich and prosperous, her subjects numerous and loyal, her every need met without question, but the inside of the castle walls could only keep her entertained for long. At first, she was grateful for the release from her princess’y duties. All that ‘public affairs’ stuff  was awfully drab. Tending to the kingdom, was important and all, but running a kingdom nothing like the stories made it out to be. Where was the adventure? The catapults and invasions and dragons and stuff? She never got to see any of that. The most she could see were jousting competitions, which had long-since lost their luster. She almost pined for those princess’y duties again, almost. 

Strange, how her father seemed to slowly be distancing her from these things. He seemed so adamant about them in the beginning, but lately he seemed more...frustrated than usual, and it got worse at every public event, like the time she drank directly from the punch bowl at the charity ball. Father was particularly angry that day. Or the time she called the serfs, “lowly, pathetic, rats” to their face. She wasn’t quite sure what the problem was. It was her father’s own words, after all. Then again, she had never been the brightest, and that didn’t seem to change no matter many books she read, or how hard her personal tutor worked. He had looked rather frustrated as well, as of late. She even attended fewer of his lessons these days. The princess couldn’t complain though. His classes were always rather boring. It was just history, etiquette, and occasionally some music lessons. Princess stuff. Nothing interesting like in her favorite books, which she had plenty of time to read, with her newfound freedom from her duties and studies. 

The tales of knights saving princesses from evil wizards and dragons were the best. Not a moment went by where didn’t dream of one of those ironclad heros whisking her away on giant steed of the purest white mane. She dreamed it daily, and she dreamed it vividly. Sometimes a gallant knight, other times a rough and rowdy barbian, but no matter the subject, the end result was always the same: a thorough ravaging of the princess’ loins. Loving embraces gave way to carnal pleasure almost immediately in the princess’ mind. With his monstrous strength, the knight would rip the princess’ dress from her body and marvel at her luscious curves, run his masculine hands up and down her naked body before plunging himself into her depths, repeatedly, and without mercy. One hole, or the other. It didn’t matter. She would gladly accept her hero in whatever hole he so chose.

The princess sighed as the stared out the window of her private quarters. The chair upon which she sat had become wet, as it often did during her lurid fantasies. The fire in her loins had to be quelled. Maybe one of her servants could help this time.


I have a special relationship with dresses. They're strangely hot, but don't exactly make for a great picture because they cover up all the sexy legs and thighs I love so much. But at least on a conceptual level, the idea of fucking someone IN a dress is still pretty damn amazing, and I don't think our princess here would mind too much either, even if we did in public and I gave her a little reach around action on her package. Her fantasies do seem to get more perverse over time, as the repressed tend to.



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