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Hello, everybody :)


The whole update:

I hope you're doing fine and dandy!

I wanted to take a little time with you to share what's coming next in this funny and kinky trip. Although I've been very happy uploading content everyday, I noticed that I started lacking time for experimentation and to elaborate requests from you people.

So, seeing that - by far - the most interactions with my work happens near the weekend, I've decided to shorten the Girl of the Week series to 5 days or maybe 4 days. This, in order to free up time for exploring new series and creating more fun stuff based on your suggestions. I'm thinking on working on that alternative stuff maybe Monday-Tuesday or Tuesday-Wednesday... We'll see.

The new serie: TVTF

I'm starting a new series based on the chat I've been having with @ReadACT. It's called TV-TF and it'll be about Characters trapped in a TV Reality world, where they'll be facing transformations decided via Polls by the audience - that's you!

So, please answer this poll to see Who will be the beta tester of this new adventure and we'll take it from there!


One last thing:

I'm thinking about updating the subs tiers and benefits. I'll respect anyone already subscribed in the first tier and I'll see if I can keep it as a Legacy Tier, but probably the basic sub will be a little more expensive for the newcomers and I'll start making the higher tiers more appealing too. So, if you're thinking about subscribing, now it's the best time! 

Take care, have fun and enjoy!



Black widow!

