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Hey folks <3 

I had a little question for you regarding a Patreon exclusive content I did over a year ago: the Roomillian short Camping Night. 

Since the Go Get a Roomie rerun is about to end, and I'd like for it to continue just a little bit more, until Christmas, I need extra content to fill out the gap, as it were.

I've already decided to put up the "Behind Curtains" GGaR short after the Rerun's finished. But I'd need juuuust a little more extra content after that to hit the mark, and getting that last Camping Night short to wrap it up would be perfect!

But it's a Patreon exclusive content! That's what I had announced. Not an early access! So I wanted to check in with you all, to ask if it was all right with you, that I made it public. 

You're the ones making it all possible in the first place, so you have the right to let me know what you think :) (and I won't take it badly if it bothers you! Don't feel forced to agree!)

Thank you tremendously for your continued support,

it's as amazing as always, (thank you thank you),



Paul Hyson

I'm good with your sharing.

Pete White

Analogous to fav musicians of mine, the MonaLisaTwins. They have a members-only site where new material is introduced. They asked us what if they put some out on a general YouTube channel, what did we think. The resounding answer was *do it!. It's a no-brainer. The more people who see your work, the better for you rather than quietly laboring in a corner*

Nick Stevens

I think the fact that you came to ask the patrons first shows how much of a class-act you already are! Do it, it was great fun and we've had access to it for a long time. Time for the rest of the world to get it!

Chris Miller

I don't see the harm in it.