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They're clams and they're cool! And it says a lot about our priorities as humans when I spend time on the internet looking for live clams to remember what they look like when fully out of their shells but all I can find is thousands of recipes on how to eat them :D 

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More little tiny things. Fishing not to kill living beings to eat their flesh, and not to bully and harrass living beings to make ourselves feel powerful, but fishing just to see our beautiful fellow creatures and wonder at them. Beautiful. :)


I bet he'd love the petting zoo portion of an aquarium, with sea urchins and starfish and all the fishy goodness.

Allienna Nezelek

I love pia picking up litter. I always try to pick up litter when I'm out and about, but it's led to so icky fingers on occasion. I've been meaning to put together some kind of litter pick up kit for my car, purse, etc. Anyone have suggestions?


A pair of gardening gloves, or similar. You can wear these to pick up litter while not having to touch it. A pack of reuseable produce bags, perhaps similar to the type that ONYA make - something that you can use to put litter in if there's no bin around and you need to carry it a long way to a bin. Also, they should be cleanable. Cleansing wipes. These can be used to help you pick up things which are sloppy/not particularly solid. You can also use them to clean your gloves if they get seriously dirty. A face-mask, in case you have to pick up something which is really smelly. A grabber-claw. You know, one of those long poles with a pincer claw at the end that you can open and close with a trigger on the other end. Those are a few things I could think up. Anyone else have any suggestions?