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YES Roomie has an undercut :D wasn't very visible in the other strips but I've had the idea for a while now that Roomie would try out an undercut later on... so here it is!

Now let's get back to smoochies shan't we

>>This is a short GGaR comic exclusive to Patrons, set after Go Get a Roomie's ending!

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I love that Lilian just pause after the kiss and then return back to Roomie because it can be helped xD


Lillian is just taking her wife for a roller coaster tonight. and an undercut suits Roomie, I like it, especially since its still really long above the shear line.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Having Lilian's eyes covered up really gives it that extra touch of humour.


It's always funny how sometimes it takes the brain a minute for desires to process... "mm, I want a kiss..." "ooh that kiss was nice, now I want to do this..." "oh yeah, let's do this next..."


And the Al Green starts playing in the background.


It's like that Simpsons gag about the frozen yogurt

Chris Miller

That giant grin. Hahaha.


Oh the emotional rollercoaster Roomie went through in just a few moments. I love them so much!

Casey R Smith

I have seen this Camping as something of a Honeymoon if they are alone not with anyone else.