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I'm about halfway done with the update which means my previous prediction of August release seems very likely.
This whole dev thing is still very new to me so it remains to be seen whether it's feasible but I will try to keep the pace of 1 game update per 1,5/2 months.

What can you expect in the next patch?
- Jevan will no longer be just an observer. He will finally become an active practitioner of mind manipulation ^^
- Day/night cycle and introduction of gameplay loop
- Several repeatable scenes and 3 unique, one-time story events
- 4 h-scenes
- Mind control being used for more than just sex. I wanna emphasize how it's the main kink and it will be utilized in many ways, for example interrogation, various tasks, chores etc.

No sneak pics this time because I don't wanna spoil anything but rest assured 3 out of 4 h-scenes are finished and the 4th one is almost done - I'm pondering whether to animate it  because it would add quite a lot of extra work.
Feedback on this matter would be appreciated.

Anyway, that's all for now.
EDIT 01.08.2022
I did animate the 4th scene which means 0.2 will have 2 animated and 2 non-animated h-events ^^



glad there is news on it,looking forward to it~