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Hello, here I upload the yuri comic as a compensation for the delay this month (and probably the next one I will delay a little, sorry). Is a yuri manga about vampires that I draw to a Friend´s Yuri fanzine the last year. As you can see is a tribute to the Vampire girls of the Japanese Author Yozora. I love his Vampire Girls and I saw a perfect opportunity to draw something like that in this colaboration because was a free colaboration (I did not want draw nothing comertial using his idea/style).

You must read it like a occidental comic, from Left to right, there are not any text because I wanted try to tell a story only with the pictures, I´m not sure if was a victory for me but was funny.

Well I expect that you like it. and as I said probably I will have a little delay this month too with the pages of Human Market, I dont know if I will be able finish them before I travel to Barcelona the next Wednesday, and I need a week of Holidays after the manga event to rest and recover my energy, but I will try it.

See you later people.


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