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Hello people, probably you have surprised because this month I upload all the pages very early when I usually do it at the end of the month, well there are a reason, tomorrow I will be flying to Japan.

I´m traveling to Japan this month with my family as vacations, my 1º real vacations in the past 2-3 years, usually I use my "vacations" in work in personal stuff, but this time I will let the pencil behind and I will concentrate in rest and enjoy this weeks. Games, manga and hentai hentai and more hentai.

I will be out until the day 5 of May, and I will retake the work the day 7, the next month I will upload the pages at the end of the month like usually.

Well I hope that you have enjoyed the pages, see you in 3 weeks people.




have a safe trip and enjoy your stay in Nippon~


Enjoy your vacation. You deserve it. Be safe but also have lots of fun.


So no new pages of naga this month ?