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Little popularity poll.

  • I think my boss wants to eat me. 100
  • Voralien 105
  • Naga Story (principal line) 156
  • "Short stories of Naga story" (Like Melinda with the tvgirl against vore) 68
  • Milf comic in the shop 85
  • 2024-05-24
  • 514 votes
{'title': 'Little popularity poll.', 'choices': [{'text': 'I think my boss wants to eat me.', 'votes': 100}, {'text': 'Voralien', 'votes': 105}, {'text': 'Naga Story (principal line)', 'votes': 156}, {'text': '"Short stories of Naga story" (Like Melinda with the tvgirl against vore)', 'votes': 68}, {'text': 'Milf comic in the shop', 'votes': 85}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 24, 22, 5, 9, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 514}


Hello people I want have a little view of more or less the popularity of the more recent comics to have more clear what works and what is not working in general.

How this work?

Please choose 2, 1º your favourite comic and the 2º favourite, its a pity that you can put "Puntuations" of give points to show what option is the most favuirte but well, as I said this is only to have a little view.

In the comments you can tell me if you want something in particular, more comics with the lazertos, more Vore quest, retake the 1º comic of all "human market", etc etc.

Thanks and see ya



I like Naga Story, but kind of not into the latest story direction with Rika as a predator. I always thought she was just supposed to be a prey character.


She is in the middle, she will be a prey all her life, but she have abilities to be a predator too, especially due to Melinda's influence, she will not stop being both


I always wanted to see a comic dedicated exclusive to Midori

Stephen Hiroshi Wykes

Personally, I would like a little less story and a little more vore. Preferably oral F/F with some internals and a little digestion. Kinda like the beginning of Deep Space (vore). Mind you, its what I would like. I think I have been happy with just about everything you have put out so far.

colin burke

WTH, how is Vorealien so low on the list?!

Raymond Redd

The best idea I've seen about all vore comics is human market, I love the idea that the prey is being in supermarket like any food waiting for any random predator to buy her and take her home to eat her 😍. I’d like to see you doing a comic about lazertos going to human market and buying preys with there families and eat thim

Ferrus Fowl

More Naga story Midori please!


I'm really curious to see how this family consumes eachother in the end and how they all are together forever. I mean we got Swa and Low growing up, and Rika and Sora to figure out their place. I was also always wondering where human market was heading with that last panel of the prey internal.

B P Roach

I just finally wanna see the girl from I think my boss wants to eat me finally be eaten


I Don't know if is into your plans, but i wanna see the continuation of Human Market. 😁


I like Midori from "I think my boss wants to eat me" and her way of surviving. I also love the comedy of this series.


Midori be eaten, that's for sure, but Midori be digested, never happening.


I agree with this~ Midori has always intrigued me, even though I do enjoy Melinda having deeper connections with her prey.


I respect your artistic choices. Just wanted to state that personally I cannot get into a character that is both prey and predator.