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New Characters Poll: https://strawpoll.com/Dwyo3DoPXyA
WIP Poll: https://strawpoll.com/eNg6v9DzegA

good luck to all of you! thank you for proposing your characters, I really like to see such original proposals, I wish you luck.

just a reminder for Tier 2, sometimes the work is too much, and due to my distraction sometimes I forgot to put characters in the polls, because of that, when you notice that by mistake I forgot to add your character, don't take it personal and contact me via DM, I'll try to compensate you somehow n_n.

by the way Miku-chan [Drachef] , got a lot of votes in the last poll, so she is confirmed to be released in august.

thank you all for your support!



Edward Mendez

vote for Shaga - Shikkoku no Shaga and zest - the testament of sister new devil.