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Young woman on a night out shows off the effects of bimbo wine.

Part 1 here 

Her final look reminds me a lot of Albatross' work, even though I didn't reference it, specifically. Might be the color scheme and general format even more than the facial structure.

Had a lot of fun rendering the wine glass and the hands holding it. As always, good photo reference works wonders.

I used to be very afraid of drawing drinking glasses. Black lines don't work very well for glasses, which are outlined by shiny reflections. Liquids also reflect and refract light quite differently than skin and clothes. 

Thought it'd be fun to compile a bunch of my attempts over the years. Some work better than others. Can you recognize the pieces they're from without looking them up?

Hope you like! ♥





This is a better ending than I expected, and I expected another round of drinks.


The wine is only affecting her physiology, it seems. So she had those nipple piercings from the beginning.


Her irises getting brighter and brighter as the change progresses, until they're literally glowing in the dark, is insanely good.


Oh, and well done! Stupid me, I forget to actually compliment the quality of the artwork :P


Thanks! I usually assume when someone's excited about a specific detail, they probably enjoyed the rest, as well.


That's delightful to hear. So many artists I know are only frustrated when they look at their own art - I'm glad you can be a fan of your work! It deserves it!


That happens to me too, I tend to fixate on mistakes when looking at my older work. You'd have to ask me how I feel about this piece again in a few years. Hopefully I'll still appreciate how the glowing eyes creative decision turned out, even if there are issues with the anatomy or whatever.


Speaking of anatomy, those collarbones are real winners.


I always find it so so charming when you show a publicly accessible bimbofication method like this, or those bimbo pills! Bimbos are just sort of a normal thing that some people like to become, and it always seems up in the air as to whether or not it's temporary


They're very very fun! And underrepresented, I think. I've had an idea in my drafts for years about a "have a bimbo night off" ad/sequence featuring an overworked mom taking some well-deserved "me" time. I'd also love to do a companion piece to "Will We Still Be Friends When You're A Bimbo" about two ladies whose fear of remaining companionless as they enter their 40s causes them to pursue escalating transformations.


I just love to give compliments. Makes me happy.

mike osted

so what happens if a guy drinks the wine?


Those are super fun ideas! I think the raygun Stepfordization also sort of falls into the same camp, and it makes me really want to dream up a sequel to it where they use the raygun to cheer up a neighbor or babysitter after a rough day


Sorti, the both parts are amazing. I really enjoyed how she willingly became a Bimbo, knowing that her perspectives will be changed to a more free lifestyle


Could be fun! Stepfordization would make someone take on more chores (and enjoy them) instead of avoiding the ones they have to do...