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Taking a break from development to give you all a quick update!

Just finished designing the UI buttons: all the necessary ingredients for a proper infernal ritual.

I've sketched out all the fun, sexy artwork and now have to muscle through the less exciting props and background elements.

Feminize Me! highlighted some of the inefficiencies, limitations, and spaghetti-ness of the Bimbo Sequencer code. Over the weekend, I'll be working on refactoring the game logic to make it cleaner, faster and easier to reuse for future games. Ideally, all it should take for a new sequencer is tweaking a few lines of code and plugging in the new artwork. Surprisingly, the original Bimbo Sequencer has the cleanest, simplest code despite having been developed in 24 hours (drawing the art).

It would be cool to add mod support so anyone can make their own sequencer games, but that's a project for some other time.

In any case, we should be on track for a release next week. Can't wait to share with you all!




Oh wow, casting a spell matches the theme and mechanic perfectly for a sequencer game. Really looking forward to this!

mister k

Can’t wait to try this! I’m sure there will be some real out there transformations


Soon! Though there's just one transformation and an extra ending. I'm focusing more on gameplay and visuals instead of breadth of options like TG Sequencer.