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Megan graduates magna cum laude from Bimbo University.

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I started with these five panels:

The main story beats are there, but we get little sense of her struggle or transformation. That's why I started adding "before" scenes. In the process, I came up with more ideas, like phonetics and makeout classes. I amused myself by sneaking in existing Bimbo U characters but I probably should've added more new faces to make the world feel bigger and not like there are only 10 students in total.

I'm much more interested in storytelling than world building, which is why I haven't come up with a University seal, official curriculum, campus map or anything like that.  When I drew the first Bimbo U images, I never intended to create a "universe". I just felt like doing a group TF, with a bunch of different bimbos. 

Hope you enjoyed this glimpse into Bimbo University! It wouldn't have been possible without your generous support. 

You'll find the last page's pencils below, along with reference photos:




This is such a fantastic series of pages! I really love the whole journey, from start to finish, as well as the various cameos!

Bal tha mele

I love this series!!


I personally like the callbacks to the previous Bimbo U students. It improves the inter-connectivity between works with these vignette-like peeks into into others' lives through different perspectives. I think it makes the world feel tighter and more concise than just throwing constant new faces; having a mix of old and familiar is the way to go. While you say your focus is primarily on the storytelling, a little bit of world building can go a long way to make a story richer and more engaging.

Vanessa Blonde

"I amused myself by sneaking in existing Bimbo U characters..." Hmmmmm. Slight differences in art style initially caused me to miss a few. Let's see if I've got them all now. Comic 1, panel 6: The boy from "Skirts are for Girls" at the second stage of his transformation. Also, the bimbo with the collar from the originals, pre-transformation? Comic 1, Panel 4: The blonde-cheerleader from the originals and sequel-pinup, pre-transformation. Only clear in hindsight (see below). Comic 2, Panel 1: The super serious girl from the first Bimbo U comic. Pre-transformation. Comic 2, Panel 4: The blonde-cheerleader from the originals and sequel-pinup, part way through her transformation (note the white naval ring and her nose!). Especially glad to see her ^_^ Comic 2, Panel 6: The boy from "Skirts are for Girls" at the third stage of his transformation. Also, the bimbo with the collar from the originals, partly transformed? Comic 3, Panel 1: The "Victory Girl" from the second original Bimbo U comic? The girl Wilson is kissing has purple lipstick, while Megan is wearing red. Victory Girl is wearing purple lipstick in the original comic - subtle. Comic 3, Panels 2-3: Wilson is the red headed girl kissing Victory Girl in the second original Bimbo U comic. Wilson is the second Bimbo U girl to have her name given (the first being Megan)! Comic 3, Panel 5: The selfie taking girl from the original Bimbo U comics, now fully transformed. I think that's all of them?

Vanessa Blonde

Well, the original six wouldn't have been the only girls in their graduating class, so I enjoyed it as well.


Υou got them all! The purple-red lips is actually I mistake I hadn't noticed. It's supposed to be Megan and Wilson kissing in page 3, panel 1 but the hue must've shifted (here's the full image that I ended up cropping closer: https://imgur.com/a/kE8nB7C ). I'll fix it and replace the image. (You've also made me realize the only one who doesn't return is the black girl from the original :/)

Bimbo Blarg

Love the series Sortimid. Your coloring is wonderful and I loved the little touches of progressively sluttier makeup and harsher cheekbones! Any chance of you releasing the pictures individually at the end of the month? Some of these would make sexy wallpapers :D