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I just had to deal with a reader on Royal Road again and finally blocked them from messaging me. Wanted to thank you all for being sane and enjoyable to talk to. It's nice to have a place to retreat to.

It's rare, but I get some readers who really, really want to tell me all the things they don't like about a story. I tried explaining things to this person and telling them to have some patience. He wanted 'more character' development in chapters I wrote two years ago and eventually told me I was a lazy writer. I really don't know what he wanted me to do.

Taking the rest of tonight off and leaving Milo in the middle of a conversation with Hecate. Georgie is playing with her dogs and will enjoy the extra time. 



Royalroadl can be incredibly toxic. The author of savage divinity was repeatedly hounded because he told them to piss off and he will write how he pleased. Just remember it's your story and no one elses


I’ve had to deal with that before too on another site. This jackass would just leave like 50 comments saying “mistake” riddled throughout the latest chapter. Never explained what I’d messed up, and when I asked for clarification he just went on a rant about how all authors are terrible. Just remember that the story is your own, and you should write it as you please. Don’t get discouraged like I did, the world would be a more boring place without your writing!

Brett Sherman

Just want to say thank you for the incredible stories. Loving the butcher! Fantastic character development. One of the first stories where I love all the different POV’s equally.