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For those unfamiliar with the saying "How the sausage is made." It refers to things that the average person either doesn't see or doesn't want to see. Mr. Webster defines it as the practical and often unpleasant or messy aspects of a process that are usually not made public.

It can literally refer to sausage making, which is a messy process of grinding up all the bits of meat not used for anything else, along with fat, blood, spice, ground vegetables, or grain. This gets stuffed into cleaned intestines and tied off to make the traditional string of sausages. Most people would rather just eat their sausage without seeing it made. :)

It can also refer to other unpleasant things. A politician needs a problem to go away but doesn't want to know the details, keeping his hands clean. We like our steak but don't want to see what goes on in a slaughterhouse. There are lots of unpleasant jobs that need to be done, and some people get their hands dirty, especially on the lower end of society.

Working in a great pizza parlor in high school taught me to make dough, cut veggies, and have an appreciation of good pepperoni and cheese. The Mozzarella we used was so fresh it was liquid in the center of the large blocks, while the cheddar was hard as a rock and had been aged for a minimum of five years. However, working in a Burger King convinced me not to eat a burger for a year or two.

Writing can be the same. Do you really want to know where the story comes from? Or do you just want to read it? Make that decision now before we go on.




Still here? Your choice.

First off, why the jump to Tier 4 so quickly after Ben just made it to Tier 3?  Part of that was looking at what the characters were accomplishing and how long it took to do things. Ozzy got ahead in Tier 3 because of his time in the smoke. Ben lagged behind while waiting for his solo arc. Rolly and Squirmy developed into a team whose skills could be leveled just with hunting, butchering, and stalking prey. Did I want to do several chapters on that? Their upcoming arc also got much larger in some ways, so I put it off.

Early on, it was fun to see the bits of experience roll in, but as the levels piled up, it was more and more work for me to write all those blue boxes, and they interrupted the story. I only use them now for larger things. And larger things happened. The Fae Arc would have easily put Suzette close to Tier 4 even before killing the Duchess. Ben was doing exactly what a Courier should be doing. I'd already talked about Rolly being near Tier 4 and waiting for the others to catch up. And Ozzy had a large part to play in the negotiations as well as the fight. Overall, they all had enough to make Tier 4, especially if you shared the experience around. Oberon even asked Suzette about that. (Normally, a Fae Lady would keep it all and give her retainers a little.)

If I did something similar to how they moved Tier 1 to 2, it would have been a chapter of just rewards, then a couple of talking as they made decisions, followed by four chapters with character sheets, then one of loot distribution...and on and on. So, instead, I looked at going a different way.

The method is a bit simple, with sweeping rewards and less decision-making. "Would you like a point of CHR, WIS, CON, or STR? Oh, shut up and take all of them; you earned them."  
So while it seems quick, they all earned it, on camera or off, with a lot extra, and now the Engine gets to work.

The Engine loves big events like this. An event like the battle with the Duchess can spawn Legends, but which ones? Not all Legends are what we want, or very nice. But the Engine doesn't want to railroad our players into a Legendary Role. Much better if they walk into it with their eyes open.

Here are some Legends that will be options for each character. The Legend they choose also defines their Class in Tier 4, modifying what they had in Tier 3. The rewards are a little hazy and part of that is the rewards for new classes aren't included. Each of them will be getting one of the Legends below associated with them, which slowly spreads.
Along with that, they will have points to spend on Core Skills, skill increases, etc. But for now, lets focus on the Legends.

Give me feedback if you feel like it. We're grinding sausage. Get your hands bloody or wait for the next chapter to come out.  And thank you.

Fists of Iron: You've punched some remarkably tough opponents. Lemechial, Midnight, Peerson, and Blackgut were creatures far beyond your...but you still punched your way to victory anyway and became a Legend.
Gain 50% extra damage when fighting Bosses with fists, feet, and natural weapons.

Nerves of Steel: Your reputation for standing firm and matching wits and threats is Legendary. Negotiating with the most dangerous creatures takes a stiff spine, a steady eye, and the ability to make them see you as an equal. No one can read your thoughts or motives if you don't want them too. You are immune to the effects of fear, intimidation, and coercion during negotiations.

Slayer: When they tell stories of 'The Butcher', they aren't thinking of your sausage. Legends are told of your bloody blades slicing and chopping through your enemies, leaving a trail of gore behind.
Your weapon attacks do +25% extra damage.

Grinding the Sausage: Someone has to get their hands dirty, and you don't mind. You have a growing reputation for getting things done. One way or another, you find a way to finish the job, and make the bodies disappear. This intimidates your opponents and pleases your boss. "Send in the Butcher to make the sausage," isn't someone anyone likes to hear.
Any special sausage or magic meat you make is more powerful than normal, giving either 50% stronger effect, or double duration. No one can steal your recipes.

The Legend you pick will determine your Class in Tier 4, (and possibly beyond).


Fae Bane
The lesser fae know that you didn't kill the Duchess because you wanted her lands, her wealth, or her power. You killed her because you wanted her DEAD! Your Legend has spread through the lesser fae who yearn to throw off the yoke of their taller cousins and cast them down from power. They don't know what comes next, so you'll have to guide them. Like the lesser fae who will follow you, you remain hidden and ignored, growing your powerbase until some bloody morning the Fae Lords will wake in Hades shadowy halls and weep for what they have lost.
Join the inner council of the fae rebellion. Gain hundreds of followers willing to give everything to your cause. Gain 7 minor secrets and 3 major secrets of the Fae Lords.

The Unfettered Apprentice
They may offer you titles and lands, but you only take what you want and reject the rest. Continue your apprenticeship and do as you like. Burn the books of secrets. They only tie you to others. Ignore the praise of people you saved, they'll only ask for more saving. Live as you choose to live. The Fae will try to claim you as will the Village, the Baron, your lover, and your friends. You choose your own path and are not constrained by a Legend. (Which is a Legend on its own!)
Only the bounds you choose are the true ties that bind you and define you from now on.

If you must have a Legend, why not make it multiple choice?
Tales are told of the mortal sorceress who gave up her humanity to slay a great evil and free the chained realms. Her name is lost, and she rules now from the shadows as the Silver Countess. Meanwhile, in a land nearby, a lonely barmaid is growing up and building her life as Mayor of a strange little town. The Legend of Sedgewick is slowly growing and mighty heroes from far lands come to delve its dungeons. One of those is a sun-tressed enchantress who wields all aspects of magic.
Gain a powerful Glamour that separates your roles and confuses any but the most powerful of creatures. Gain an ability aligned to each of your roles.

The Legend you pick will determine your Class in Tier 4, (and possibly beyond).


Damien's Heir
He isn't dead yet, but you've already taken his signet ring, pajamas, and room in the house. Why stop there? Embrace the insanity of the Franklins and carry on Damien's legacy of invention, exploration, and destruction. Gain personal instruction from your favorite Uncle, an assortment of his favorite books and journals, and a map to one of his favorite places to steal spare parts from.
Skill: Inventor is changed to Skill: Mad Scientist. Gain plans for Rocket Boots and the formula for Cataclysmite.

Dashing Hero
Arriving in the nick of time, you have rescued peasants and paladins, fought demons and spirit wolves, and now you've rescued a poor maiden from the horrors of the Fae.
With a fast horse, a pointy sword, and a fist full of fire you can build your Legend as a hero who races the length and width of the empire looking to right wrongs and save the day.
Your weapons will do double damage vs. bosses and foes of a higher tier. Your favorite mount is twice as fast. Your teeth are perfect and white, sparkling when you smile or laugh at a foe.

The Burning Flame
The Ghouls, the Fae, and the Demons have felt the touch of the godly fire you have summoned. Word spreads that you will not abide evil and will burn it from the world.
Your growing reputation paves the way where ever you travel, and creates unrealistic expectations of what you will do. But with a fierce will you shall find the greater evil that needs burning and leave the mundane evil to lesser heroes.
When facing creatures of the Dark, Daemons, Devils, Fallen, Undead, Mostly Dead, Bullies, Tax Evaders, Despots, Tyrants, Jaywalkers, Nobility, and anything else that you perceive as evil your flames will do twice their normal damage.
Don't worry about figuring who is evil and who isn't. Who better to judge than yourself?

The Legend you pick will determine your Class in Tier 4, (and possibly beyond).


The Hero
You have stood between a small army and refugee farmers, traversed the trials of Tartarus, faced a Psychotic Fae Despot, and rescued a Princess from the tyranny of her family. The Legend of your Heroics has just begun. Gain 2 Primary resistances of your choice at Rank 0. Gain +1000 Health.

The Shepherd
You have rescued poor lost calves and dire beasts, taken herds to the greenest pastures, raised wyverns from the egg, and guided lost souls through Hades and back to life.
You are becoming a Legend as a Guide, a Shepherd, a Finder of Paths.
Gain the Perk: Elder Serpent's Tongue, letting you converse with monsters and legendary creatures in their own languages. When leading armies or herding animals, your voice and intent carry to all those around you within 1/4 mile.

The Best Pet Ever
Your value as a pet has reached the ears and antennae of the Hive Queen herself! The Queen and her Princesses have declared you to be the best pet ever! You will be encouraged to breed progeny in the hopes that some are worth keeping, and the Queen herself will claim you as her pet.
You will be given a fluffy pillow to sleep on and all the meal worms that you can eat!

Monster Tamer
A princess of the hive is your personal pet. Wyverns and Sphynx come at your call. Use your army of monsters to seek out more monsters and bend them to your will.
Gain the Perk: Monster Domination. Gain the Perk: Loyalty of the Uncaged.

The Legend you pick will determine your Class in Tier 4, (and possibly beyond).


David Gleiberman

While I at first thought obviously nerves of steel for Ozzy, as I thought about the last option through, his goal was to eventually break ties with Billy, though I wonder if that is still in the plans, but if he does, the ability to never have your recipes stolen, is priceless, he can literally go anywhere and have exclusive merchandice. With Suzzette I feel she does not like politics despite being skilled in it. She became mayor because she could turn a profit, I feel she would like to rule from the shadows and only multiple choice gives her that. With Benjamin, I feel he has been pretty much a pack mule in terms of the party, coming in to save the day when their are very few options left, and he comes in clutch, that is what I feel the later two options gives him, the ability to specialize in either getting somewhere fast, or bringing the pain, but it doesn't advance his importance and exclusivity in the world around him. He is always looked at when their are no other solutions rather then turned to as the first answer, unless someone needs transportation. So I think Damien's Heir would make him a lot more interesting and get him back into the forefront of this story. For Rolly I think he can get the perk of the first option by simply swollowing more magical items, Monster Tamer, I feel they are doing fine in that department already and need no further help, unless they truly want to tame monsterous beasts. The two I am bouncing between are shepard and Best Pet Ever. I feel Squirmie would want best pet ever since she has been I feel aiming for that for a long time, and Rolly would want Shepard, because that would allow him to do what he loves doing even better.


Ozzy and Ben are troublesome, I think some further options may be needed. Suzette is perfectly suited as the Unfettered and Rolly as the Shepherd. Rolly doesn't seek power for himself, he makes those around him better. Suzette makes her own way, a good woman makes dinner, a great woman makes HERSTORY. I would suggest another couple of paths for Ozzy and Ben. The Vizier or the Right Hand. Ozzy serves best when he serves, he is much smarter than those in power and has the smarts to make his own dynasty of advisors. Like the man who ran the KGB through several regime changes, Ozzy knows the secrets and has the strength to make himself invaluable and irreplaceable. Ben needs a ship, not a horse. Deliverer of the Apocalypse. Like the deliveryman in Good Omens 1st series, he can deliver LEGEND. As a captain, he can make the true difference (and a profit) delivering the desperately needed medicine to a town under quarantine, the food needed for a village to survive a harsh winter. Hell, even helping a certain jolly elf make his deliveries would be within his scope. Ben can make his ship the Hope-Bringer, with portable labs and workshops. I always thought the Enterprise as flagship of the Federation had the best episodes when it delivered hope as well as the beatdown when needed. I think Ben is the captain that could best exemplify the spirit of exploration and curiosity. And in the greatest traditions of the Franklins, he has the means and now the desire to build a ship that can go anywhere. Imagine putting Franklin ingenuity and love of experimentation into the building of a ship that could sail both the Mortal world and the Smoke. That would just be the beginning.


Nerves of steel, unfettered, the Sheppard

Olivia Smith

For ozzy making the sausage is the only one with benefits he can't do on his own with stats and skills he already has. For Ben Dashing hero seems to be the path he's already on, but burning flame might be more interesting and an way of getting even after Suzie was stolen under his nose. A lot of his options have been either or between inventing and fighting I'd like to see him do both.


To me Ozzy is a 'getting things done' no nonsense guy, with a bit of an anger issue. I don't quite see him in any of the legends. Maybe a combination of Nerves of Steel and Grinding the Sausage? We'll call it Send in the Butcher For Suzette I'd say the multiple choice thing. She doesn't really tie herself down to one option, but she also isn't one to burn all the bridges. Her relation to Hermes and the dark librarian person (sorry, forgot the name) is fairly amicable. I don't see her leading a fae rebellion either, though I do see her raising the esteem the lesser fae get. For Rolly The Shepherd, no doubt. It's too amusing how well he gets along with various monsters. It's also fairly telling that his companions just take it in stride. While it's never explicitly said, I feel like the rest of the group has a decent inkling of the true nature of squirmy, but they trust him. For Ben.... Well, Damien's heir seems to jive well with how he's picked his skills, while Dashing Hero works better with his character. I'm also a bit worried about the possible mental effects. We know the game can mess with your head, and Damien seems to have had a few screws loose. Mad scientist is a bit of a slippery slope. Damien's heir probably goes well with that group of professors they have visiting and while they seem nice enough, that's probably more because we don't know enough about them. He also hasn't actually done much mad scientist stuff, though the one time he did was fairly big. By now I lean more toward Dashing Hero, though I'd borrow from the comic Girl Genius and steal a bit from Othar Tryggvassen, Gentleman Adventurer