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The decision to work on one story for several chapters is paying off, and more is getting written. It's just easier to write and think on one story for a few days, then switch gears for another few. Butcher is 9 chapters ahead, and the next two chapters are plotted and many outlined. 249 is about half written.

Milo is 6 chapters ahead and gets the next 2-3 chapters, then back to Butcher and we finish off the Fae arc except for a half dozen dangling threads.

The short-term goal is to get at least 10 chapters ahead, just in case I need a break or hit a deadline with editing. Royal Road will get chapters on Thursday/Monday. Working on 252 tonight.

Scrapyard Dungeon is still a WIP. I've been tossing the chapters I finish to the 10.00 level, but the plot is still getting refined and things changing as I poke at it now and then. It's the story I write when I can't write the other two.

I'm still debating the next Writathon. 



Impressively prolific. A rare gift. I think you need to up your output to 93 chapters per week. Maybe cause I'd read it all, but um I mean it's no big deal right? Seriously though, it is impressive, most authors can't even get one chapter ahead of schedule.


I entirely agree that 93 chapters a week sounds reasonable; simply because I go through them way faster than they’re made. I need my hit, man! It’s not even been a day and withdrawal is already setting in!


Yes, don’t burn yourself out. Steady and consistent is better than rushed and sporadic.